HargeonAkane ResortHosenkaMagnoliaWschodni LasOshibanaOnibusCloverOakEraScaterCrocusArtailShirotsumeHakobeZoriPółnocne PustkowiaCalthaLuteaRuinyInne Tereny ZachodnieGalunaTenrouPozostałe KrajeMorza i Oceany
I've never seen a decent person among those who say they're going to save the world while forsaking the people around them. Those types of men are always so intoxicated by thier own hollow dreams that they call every little thing in front of them trivial.
There is never too much advertisements



 There is never too much advertisements

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Liczba postów : 5599
Dołączył/a : 10/05/2013

There is never too much advertisements Empty
PisanieTemat: There is never too much advertisements   There is never too much advertisements EmptySob Mar 04 2017, 21:10

Nazwa misji: There is never too much advertisements
Arc/ciąg misji: Drinking Business Arc
Opis misji: Magi-Cola nadal walczy, tym razem by utrzymać się na topie wśród słodkich napoi. A to oznacza, jeszcze więcej reklam do nakręcenia. Czy to w formie zdjęć do ulotek, czy to w formie krótkiego filmiku do lacrymowizji...
Poziom trudności: Łatwa/Średnia
Ilość osób: Dax + 1/2
Wymagania: Brak
Nagrody: Dużo hajsów, ale znacznie mniej PD niż za misję z tego poziomu. Ale hajs
Powrót do góry Go down
https://ftpm.forumpolish.com/t1315-konto-torashiro#19555 https://ftpm.forumpolish.com/t962-torashiro#14231 https://ftpm.forumpolish.com/t1316-torashiro#19559


Liczba postów : 303
Dołączył/a : 03/04/2015
Skąd : Wałbrzych/Warszawa

There is never too much advertisements Empty
PisanieTemat: Re: There is never too much advertisements   There is never too much advertisements EmptySob Mar 04 2017, 21:32

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https://ftpm.forumpolish.com/t2978-sejf-kyoumy#51944 https://ftpm.forumpolish.com/t2884-kyouma-byakuton#51385


Liczba postów : 1344
Dołączył/a : 20/10/2012
Skąd : Krakus

There is never too much advertisements Empty
PisanieTemat: Re: There is never too much advertisements   There is never too much advertisements EmptySob Mar 04 2017, 22:01

Rzucam potwierdzeniem
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https://ftpm.forumpolish.com/t451-bank-mroza https://ftpm.forumpolish.com/t4702-daxy https://ftpm.forumpolish.com/t780-dax-i-jego-zmiany


Liczba postów : 5599
Dołączył/a : 10/05/2013

There is never too much advertisements Empty
PisanieTemat: Re: There is never too much advertisements   There is never too much advertisements EmptySob Mar 04 2017, 22:10

Powrót do góry Go down
https://ftpm.forumpolish.com/t1315-konto-torashiro#19555 https://ftpm.forumpolish.com/t962-torashiro#14231 https://ftpm.forumpolish.com/t1316-torashiro#19559
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There is never too much advertisements Empty
PisanieTemat: Re: There is never too much advertisements   There is never too much advertisements Empty

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There is never too much advertisements
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